Self-Publishing 101

Indie publishing is a full-time job, requiring research, planning, and dedication. Is it the right choice for you?

  • Traditional publishers handle the marketing and formatting, but for minimal royalties and much sacrifice to creative control

  • There are many resources available for self published authors, from print on demand publishers, to formatting and writing tools.

  • Whether you choose traditional or self-publishing, your work is a valid career—and you should treat it that way.

Indie publishing can be a rewarding but challenging endeavor that requires a full-time commitment. Before deciding if it's the right choice for you, consider the need for research, planning, and dedication to successfully navigate the process.

For new authors, the idea of being published by one of the Big 5 publishers seems like the only way. They want their books in stores, they want the big marketing campaign and the publicity. But the truth is that many traditionally published books do not sell as many copies as you might think.

After finding an agent, traditionally published authors can expect to go through an arduous process that involves editing, revising, and proofreading their work. Once the manuscript is deemed ready for publication, the agent will submit it to publishers and negotiate a book deal on behalf of the author. From there, the author will work closely with an editor to refine the book even further, and the book will go through multiple rounds of revisions before it is finally published. Throughout this process, the author may also be responsible for promoting the book through events, interviews, and social media. Despite the challenges, many authors find the traditional publishing route to be rewarding and fulfilling.

But what if you don’t want to relinquish control over your book baby?

Traditionally published books give the credibility of being a “real” author, at least among people who don’t understand that self-publishing is a legitimate growing economy with ample room for career growth.

Working with a traditional publishing house means:

  • Querying dozens of agents to find one who will fight for you.

  • Altering your book to fit the publisher’s formula.

  • Waiting years to actually see your book in print and (hopefully) on shelves.

  • Minimal control over the marketing and packaging process.

  • An upfront payment of around $2,000, and meager royalties (usually 1-5%).

  • Being forgotten once the newest hit book comes out.

At the end of the day, unless you’re lucky enough to sign a series contract, all of the long-term marketing will be up to you—but for low return on your investment.

With this in mind, self-publishing can be a great option for authors who want control over their work and the publishing process. Self-publishing allows authors to retain all of the rights to their book and make all the decisions about the editing, design, and marketing. Additionally, self-publishing can be more affordable than traditional publishing—you can spend as much, or as little as your budget allows.

These days, there are also tons of resources out there to help with your process.

Some of the big ones include:

  1. A website and resource platform dedicated to helping authors and self-publishers succeed in the world of Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). It provides valuable tips, strategies, and guides on various aspects of self-publishing, including book marketing, keyword research, cover design, and author branding. The site offers tools and resources to assist authors in optimizing their books for maximum visibility and sales on Amazon.

  2. Publisher Rocket: A powerful software tool designed to help authors with market research and keyword analysis. It allows users to conduct in-depth keyword research for their book's genre and category, enabling them to optimize their book's metadata for improved visibility and discoverability on Amazon. Publisher Rocket also provides insights into competitor analysis, Amazon ads, and book sales estimations, helping authors make informed decisions throughout the self-publishing process.

  3. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): Amazon's self-publishing platform that allows authors to publish and distribute their books in digital (eBook) and print formats. It offers an easy-to-use interface for uploading manuscripts, designing book covers, setting prices, and managing distribution. Through KDP, authors can make their books available on Amazon's Kindle Store, reaching a global audience. KDP also provides tools and resources for marketing, promotion, and tracking sales performance.

  4. IngramSpark: Another self-publishing platform operated by Ingram Content Group, one of the largest book distributors and wholesalers in the world. It enables authors to produce professional-quality print books and eBooks and make them available for sale through various distribution channels.

  5. Draft2Digital: A third option for self-publishing. While their print option is still in beta, D2D will distribute your book to many platforms, including KDP, Barnes and Noble, Google Books, Kobo, and others. They also provide a free eBook format tool that is perfect for writers on a budget.

  6. Reedsy: An online marketplace that connects authors with professional freelancers in the publishing industry. It offers a wide range of services, including editing, proofreading, cover design, formatting, and marketing. Authors can browse through a curated selection of experienced publishing professionals, compare quotes, and hire them for their specific needs. Reedsy aims to streamline the self-publishing process by providing access to quality professionals who can help authors produce high-quality books.

  7. Atticus: A formatting software specifically designed for self-published authors. It simplifies the process of formatting manuscripts for eBook and print publication by providing pre-designed templates and styles that meet industry standards. Atticus allows authors to import their manuscripts and customize the formatting elements such as font, spacing, headers, and footers. The software helps authors save time and effort by automating the formatting process and ensuring a professional-looking final product.

  8. Velum: Another formatting software designed to assist self-published authors in preparing their manuscripts for publication. It offers a user-friendly interface with features that allow authors to format their manuscripts for various eBook platforms and print-on-demand services. Velum provides templates and customization options for styling, page layout, chapter breaks, and other formatting elements. It aims to simplify the formatting process and generate high-quality eBook files and print-ready PDFs.

  9. Campfire: An online platform that offers a comprehensive suite of tools and services for self-published authors. It includes features for writing, editing, formatting, designing covers, and publishing eBooks and print books. Campfire also provides marketing and promotional resources to help authors reach their target audience. The platform aims to provide an all-in-one solution for self-publishing, assisting authors at every stage of the publishing process and helping them achieve their publishing goals.

  10. Scrivener: A popular software application designed specifically for writers. It offers a comprehensive set of tools and features to assist authors in organizing, writing, and editing their manuscripts. Scrivener allows authors to break down their writing into manageable sections, create outlines, and easily rearrange or restructure their work. It provides a distraction-free writing environment, research organization capabilities, and the ability to export manuscripts into various formats, including eBook and print-ready formats.

  11. Google Docs: A cloud-based word processing platform provided by Google. It offers a collaborative and accessible environment for authors to create, edit, and share their written work. Multiple users can collaborate on a document simultaneously, making it convenient for co-authoring or receiving feedback from editors and beta readers. Google Docs includes basic formatting features, commenting and suggestion tools, and seamless integration with other Google services. It is widely used by authors for its simplicity, accessibility, and collaborative capabilities.

  12. Fiverr: An online marketplace that connects freelancers offering various services with clients seeking those services. Authors can find a wide range of professionals on Fiverr, including editors, proofreaders, cover designers, illustrators, and marketing specialists. Fiverr provides a platform for authors to browse through freelance profiles, review portfolios, compare prices, and hire professionals to assist with different aspects of the self-publishing process. It offers flexibility in terms of services, pricing, and the ability to find specialized freelancers for specific project requirements.

  13. Bookstagram: A growing community of book lovers and enthusiasts on Instagram, who share their passion for reading and books through dedicated book-themed Instagram accounts. Bookstagrammers post book reviews, recommendations, book hauls, and aesthetically pleasing book photos. Authors often collaborate with Bookstagrammers to promote their books, increase visibility, and connect with potential readers. Bookstagram can be a valuable marketing channel for authors, allowing them to tap into a dedicated community of book enthusiasts and leverage their influence to reach a wider audience.

If you want to publish your book, there are several options available. You can approach traditional publishers and literary agents, or you can self-publish your book through various online platforms. Before deciding on a publishing route, it is important to research and understand the advantages and challenges of each option. Traditional publishing typically offers greater distribution and marketing support, but may involve a lengthy and competitive submission process. Self-publishing allows for greater control and faster publication, but requires the author to handle all aspects of the process, including editing and marketing. Ultimately, the choice depends on your goals and priorities as an author.

To get started with self-publishing, there are a few key steps you can take. First, you'll want to write and edit your manuscript thoroughly. Then, you can choose a self-publishing platform, such as Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing or IngramSpark. From there, you can format your manuscript to meet the platform's requirements and upload it for sale. You may also want to consider hiring a professional editor or cover designer to help make your book stand out. With dedication and hard work, self-publishing can be a rewarding way to share your writing with the world.

One last note: It's important to take yourself seriously as a writer, regardless of whether you're just starting out or have already published a book. This means committing to your craft, setting aside dedicated time for writing, seeking out resources for improvement, and believing in yourself and your work. Self-publishing is a valid career choice with amazing opportunities for advancement and success. Contrary to what many people still believe, there is a massive demand for independently published works that don’t conform to traditional formulas or themes. While many traditionally published authors go back to their day jobs and struggle to publish again, the world of self-publishing is infinite.


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