Welcome to Middenvale

The Middenvale Saga is an epic young adult fantasy adventure inspired by ancient mythology, medieval legends, and modern stories like Lord of the Rings and Throne of Glass.

Here’s what people are saying about it:

"An absolutely fantastic read. Worth your time and worth waiting for the next in line. Its for all who adore fantasy and mystery with a touch of politics."

"I really enjoyed the way Clare Rushing writes, I enjoyed the mythologies used. It had great characters and the characters worked with the mythology used in the book."

"This book was an absolute delight to read! The pacing and the flow made it easy to pick up and devour big chunks at a time. I did not want to put it down!"

Continue scrolling for more information about the series—and free excerpts!

The saga begins with Magic and Goldfire…

Vesunna "Sunny" Padsva is a legendary knight with her own ballad sung by tone-deaf bards across the land. She tolerates the fame, but craves an escape away from guard duty and starry eyed townsfolk. When the high king announces a diplomatic mission to an isolated kingdom in the north, she eagerly volunteers.

Unfortunately, the trip quickly turns into a nightmare. Hagol's cold climate is miserable compared to Sul Galen's year-round warmth. The people are simple, the king is incompetent, and diplomacy is not her strong suit. She's ready to accept failure when a familiar adversary arrives and things take a deadly turn. Sunny must team up with some unexpected allies on a quest to stop corrupt leaders from destroying her home--and save a forgotten magical land.

Silver Muir has endured a lifetime of cruelty from the superstitious people of Hagol. She's worked hard to gain their trust by serving as apprentice to the royal physician, and has built a pleasant life for herself at Castle Dúnbright. But the rumors about her mythical, frost-bitten appearance may not be entirely off the mark.

When a knight from Sul Galen arrives with an interesting offer, Silver begins a journey that will call into question everything she once believed about her heritage and her place in the world. She will have to decide whether to honor her healer's oath...or embrace her newfound power.

You can follow the links to preview and purchase Book One on Amazon.

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After their quest through Hagol and Mag Awen, Silver and Sunny are eager to find answers about their pasts. But something is wrong in the Summer Kingdom. Magic doesn't work the way it should, the regent's daughter is having terrifying visions, and the king himself is unsure how to prevent a war with Vamorta. Even worse, they might be charged with the murder of an important diplomat. Meanwhile, Eithné and Rhea are faced with decisions that could impact the future of the continent.

Friendships are tested and new secrets revealed as
Unaya's curse continues to unravel.

Interested in trying The Middevale Saga?

Follow the links below for free excerpts, deleted scenes, and early draft snippets.

Magic and Goldfire
Chapter 1 Excerpt
Chapter 2 Excerpt

Omens and Widows
Chapter 1 Full

Scenes Compared
Silver’s Clothes
Meeting Goodwyn